The 30 Day Reset

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Transform Your Body and Mind with a 30 Day Reset​

Do you struggle to find the motivation to prioritize your health and well-being? 

Are you feeling stuck repeating unhealthy habits?

It's time to hit the reset button and begin your transformational journey with The 30 Day Reset.

Problems you may be facing:

  • Lack of Motivation: Are you having trouble finding the drive to start and stick to new routines? Not knowing where to begin or how to create an effective diet and exercise plan can feel intimidating.
  • Lifestyle Habits: Struggling to break unhealthy habits or incorporate new ones into your daily routine?
  • Time Constraints: Are you overwhelmed by work, family responsibilities, or other commitments? Do you justify unhealthy habits?
  • Fear and Self-Doubt: Do you fear failing because past attempts at dieting or exercising may have been unsuccessful, and left you reluctant to try again? Are you unsure of your ability to make lasting changes to your lifestyle?
  • Lack of Support: Having a support system or accountability partner to encourage and motivate you is key to being successful at anything in life. 

Who is The 30 Day Reset for?

It is designed for individuals seeking a fresh start. The 30 Day Reset offers a direct approach to address your diet, physical, and mental health. Through a combination of actionable strategies, this program empowers you to make lasting changes and reclaim control over your health.

Start The 30 Day Reset today and take the first step towards a brighter, more motivated future!

Overall Goals of The 30 Day Reset:

  • Address diet, exercise, and mental health
  • Set specific goals and track progress
  • Develop healthier habits
  • Break bad habits you struggle with
  • Transform your mindset and lifestyle
  • Add movement back into your daily life

Who am I and Why did I create The 30 Day Reset?​

My name is Jordan Moon. I am a 36-year-old Air Force Veteran. I recently became a Certified Sports Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am currently enrolled at Colorado State University pursuing a B.S. in Sports Medicine. My greatest endurance accomplishment was Running Across America in 2021. I ran 3,127 miles from San Francisco to New York City. It took me 71 days, with zero days off. I averaged 45 miles a day. 

Soon after completing the Transcontinental Run, I fell back into the daily grind of work, travel, and social life. I did not keep up with a consistent training plan, or my athletic goals. This was not who I was, and I reminded myself of that. I needed a change. I needed to start building momentum to get my life back. I decided to start of the New Year by being intentional with everything I did. It was time to bring back the American Runner. 

I created the 30 Day Reset and started January 1st - 30th 2024. I weighed 180 lbs. after the holidays to start off the new year. 

The plan was simple:

  • No Alcohol
  • 8+ hours of sleep per night
  • 128 oz of water per day
  • 1 hour of exercise a day or 7 hours a week
  • A clean diet of my choice
  • No “added sugar.”

The blueprint is there, but it was my choice to complete each day with a “W.” I completed the 30 Day Reset at the end of the month, and I had lost 14 lbs. I felt amazing, my energy was back, and so was my confidence. 

I later went on to run the Black Canyon 100K in Arizona 11 days later. This is a World Major Trail ultramarathon, and I ran it 62 miles in 12 hours 11 minutes. This would not have been possible without resetting my mind and body at the beginning of January

Get started today and make the next 30 days your best yet!​

Are you ready to transform your lifestyle and embrace The 30 Day Reset? 

Get Your Free Guide Today!

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You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting the 30 Day Reset or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start The 30 Day Reset if your physician or health care provider advises against it.

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The 30 Day Reset

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